Phil Earle is renowned for his hard-hitting, unflinching stories. Here, he serves up another corker...
LESLEY FINLAY enjoyed this delightful new take on a favourite fairytale from a wonderful pairing - Michael Morpurgo and Emma Chichester Clark...
LESLEY FINLAY went back to school at Rainham School for Girls to watch a Woyzeck, realised by Scene Productions...
The Duck House tells, in riotous style, the story of the MPs' expenses scandal. LESLEY FINLAY reviews this modern farce...
The duo that brought us Potted Potter and Potted Panto, Daniel Clarkson and Jefferson Turner, create a unique dinner party...
Years of training as a child helped Faye Tozer to land a part in one of the biggest pop bands in history. But when the inevitable demise happens, what next? The actress, singer and dancer told LESLEY FINLAY how she did it...
It takes a brave person to turn The Pickwick Papers into a play but it’s been done! LESLEY FINLAY spoke to playwright Nicola Boyce who wrote it and actress Rebecca Wheatley who is acting in it...
LESLEY FINLAY caught up with the director who has excited young minds with a new twist on Henry V...
So what if your student doesn’t want to be front of stage but still have a career in the performance industry? In the first of a series of articles on backstage roles, INK PELLET looks at lighting…