LESLEY FINLAY joined a lively audience for an inventive RSC take on The Taming of the Shrew...
Holly Barradell enjoyed her first experience at The Rose Bankside for an intriguing night of Marlowe...
From an early, tough childhood in Greenock, author Cathy MacPhail is now anticipating the UK release of the film of one of her books. LESLEY FINLAY enjoyed a chat with the acclaimed children’s writer...
Teachers have a tough time trying to teach young people how to write; it’s everywhere so why are our students so bad at it? LESLEY FINLAY gives her view...
Elizabeth Gaskell’s work was dismissed in the early 20th century as too provincial. Thankfully all that has changed. Now the life and works of the novelist are to be preserved at her former home, thanks to a painstaking restoration...
Birmingham's renowned gallery, Ikon, celebrates its 50th birthday this year with a carefully-chosen, iconic programme....
Young reviewer Aimee Johnston enjoys an intriguing novel from Anne-Marie Conway...
Now here's a book to fill you with Wonder as recommended by reviewer Allison Johnstone...