Russian artist SLAVA POLUNIN is changing our perception of clowning, pulling together elements of the genre’s heritage to create acclaimed spectacles. He shares his art with Ink Pellet…
Ahh! A lovely new term, full of recharged vigour and enthusiasm but...what’s this? Yawn! The same narrow choice of set texts. PETER KING looks at the issue...
The Walker Art Gallery hosts a major exhibition of David Hockney’s early work which is set to get the crowds flocking to Liverpool. The sculptor is one of the most influential artists of the 20th century and this show brings together a unique selection of paintings and prints which chart his early development. Called David […]
A Reading Agency programme, run in conjunction with local libraries, is having a real impact in helping young people develop vital skills for adulthood through reading and creative writing. Called Reading Activists it has corralled an army of volunteers to create a variety of public events. LESLEY FINLAY shares her own experience of this brilliant scheme...
The national charity Filmclub goes from strength to strength and this autumn holds its first National Youth Film Festival as MOIRA MCVEAN explains....
LESLEY FINLAY offers a look at the Autumn/Winter line-up for those with more classical tastes...
Transport's modern take on As You Like It blew our reviewers away. PETER KING explains why...
EDNA HOBBS enjoyed a nostalgic night at the theatre with John Godber's classic Teechers. So has life changed THAT much? Edna tells all...