Writer and actress Tracy-Ann Oberman shares a typical day in her most untypical life...
A mad-cap, loud and colourful performance, that's Shrek for you...
LESLEY FINLAY enjoys a rip-roaring night at Shakespeare's Globe...
LESLEY FINLAY gives her take on Natalie Abrahami's production of Pericles...
PETER KING gives his verdict on a dramatic version of the Roald Dahl great...
Edna Hobbs starts the school year with good intentions...
Catch up with all the latest news on the arts with LESLEY FINLAY'S round-up...
There is so much going on in 2012 and for us literary types the highlight will be the chance to immerse ourselves in Charles Dickens, to read, to learn and to visit a host of events to mark the bicentenary of the great writer’s birth. LESLEY FINLAY takes a look at the author’s life and times, and introduces some of the events taking place…