Fellow thesps in the Sheffield area – here is your chance to shine! The Sheffield People’s Theatre is being launched as part of the Crucible’s 40th birthday celebrations and there is still time to audition – on Saturdays 9th and 16th July.
You don’t need experience just, as the press blurb says, ‘a passion for performing and telling stories through live theatre’. We can do that. Except we’re nowhere near Sheffield.
Auditions will be split into three age groups – 12 to 14, 15 to 17 and 18+ as well as one mixed-age session and auditionees do not need to prepare anything in advance of the day.
The first project will be Lives in Art, a new production that will form the centrepiece of the Crucible’s 40th birthday events this November.
If you would prefer to help out behind the scenes, the Sheffield People’s Theatre is also looking for local people aged 16 plus to audition for backstage roles like lighting, sound, design, stage management and directing.
For goodness sake, apply now! You can get an application form to take part in the auditions, call 0114 201 3888 or email spt@sheffieldtheatres.co.uk