The arts magazine for teachers

The new Education Secretary, Bridget Phillipson, who reputedly went to drama lessons when young and learnt the violin, has emphasized the importance of arts education in the UK, advocating for its increased presence in the school curriculum. Labour believes that arts and creative subjects are crucial for fostering creativity, critical thinking, and emotional expression, which are as important as core academic subjects like maths and science. The party claims to view arts education as vital for developing a well-rounded, diverse skill set in students, which can contribute to future careers in the growing creative industries, a sector that contributes significantly to the UK economy.

Critical of previous policies that have seen a decline in arts education in schools due to funding cuts and increased focus on STEM subjects, they argue that this devalues the arts and risks narrowing students’ educational experiences. Having pledged to reverse this trend by increasing funding for schools to hire more arts teachers and ensuring that creative subjects have a more prominent place in the curriculum, we must hope and wait to see this come to fruition. They also aim to make arts education more accessible to children from all backgrounds, believing that the arts can help close the attainment gap by offering alternative ways of learning and engaging students who may not thrive in traditional academic subjects.

This is also one of the goals of John Savournin, the subject of the Big Interview in this issue, who advocates for increased collaboration between arts professionals and schools to help fill any skills gaps and ensure music and drama can be offered to young people, ensuring that musicians and performers of the future are nurtured.

Also in this diverse arts issue, we look at the BOVTS, highlight the forthcoming concerts at Cadogan Hall and feature the new Picasso exhibition at the British Museum.

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A Final Haunt

A Final Haunt  

After 33 extraordinary years, Susan Hill’s The Woman in Black will haunt the stage of the Fortune Theatre for the final time, as the production ends in the West End on Saturday 4th March 2023. PW Productions announce that after 33 extraordinary years in London’s West End, the theatrical sensation that is Susan Hill’s THE […]

Reaching for the Moon

Reaching for the Moon  

Susan Elkin paid a visit to Half Moon theatre in London’s East End to chat with CEO Chris Elwell about their extensive education outreach and innovative theatre programmes. Half Moon Theatre sits in the heart of Limehouse in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, spitting distance from the DLR and mainline station. Formerly a pretty […]

National Youth Theatre Rep Company

National Youth Theatre Rep Company  

The National Youth Theatre’s Rep Company is celebrating its first ten years and Susan Elkin paid a visit to learn more. Each year a group of fifteen or so talented NYT members, aged 18 to 25, are selected by audition to join this company. In just a few months they rehearse three shows, many of […]



An important and often overlooked route into the industry, especially for many non-performing roles. Susan Elkin has some suggestions. Theatre is like an iceberg. For every role on stage there are probably at least half a dozen technicians you can’t see. And the industry has been telling us for decades that there are skills shortages […]

School Shows

School Shows  

Never underestimate the power of a school production – for every single person involved. When you meet former students, sometimes from decades back in my case, it’s usually taking part in Oliver! or A Midsummer Night’s Dream that they reminisce about with shining eyes. Most importantly it’s a terrific bonding exercise. We hear a lot […]

New Perspectives

New Perspectives  

With three separate Lucian Freud exhibitions currently on, Graham Hooper took time to visit and here is his review of these contrasting shows. LLucian Freud would have been 100 this year, and that’s a good excuse to look back over his life and work, but especially his work, as the two have a rather nasty […]

Grandad Anansi  – Half Moon Theatre

Grandad Anansi  – Half Moon Theatre  

Predicated partly on Black History Month, Elayne Ogbeta’s muliti-layered play presents Grandad (Marcus Hercules) and his primary school age granddaughter, Abi (Jazmine Wilkinson) in his garden. Like everything else in this show, the garden designed by Sorcha Corcoran, is beautiful with lots of colour, light and plants that Grandad knows by name and talks to. […]

Theatre Review – The King of Nothing – Little Angel Theatre

Theatre Review – The King of Nothing – Little Angel Theatre  

Ben Glasstone’s charming, witty account of The Emperor Who Has No Clothes works well for two main reasons. First it is one of the most perceptive stories ever written, dealing as it does with vanity, self delusion, conformity and truth. It’s both topical and timeless. Second, we have a cost of living crisis and the […]

Book Review – Activist 

Book Review – Activist   

by Louisa Reid Published by Guppy Books Cassandra, narrator of this powerful verse novel, is a reluctant sixth former in a prestigious mixed school, formerly all boys, where toxic culture simmers. Driven by her own experience, and by nature a feisty “shouter” she campaigns forcibly for acknowledgement that some of the boys at school treat […]

Book Review – A Poetry Pedagogy for Teachers: Reorienting Classroom Literacy Practice

Book Review – A Poetry Pedagogy for Teachers: Reorienting Classroom Literacy Practice  

by Maya Pindyck and Ruth Vinz, with Diana Liu and Ashlynn Wittchow The thrust of this detailed, well-researched, quite academic book about the poetry in classrooms is that we shouldn’t teach students to search for meaning so that “the poem becomes a specimen for examination under the microscope of interpretative practices”. Instead we should experience […]